Thursday, May 29

to do list for 5-29-08

  1. get meat in crock pot done!!
  2. put meat in freezer bags when its done done!! got 14 bags so that 14 meals woo hoo!!
  3. vacuum my room thanks cheyenne!!
  4. make my bed done!!
  5. make the kids beds not gonna happen today its kinda pointless now since its almost bed time lol!!
  6. vacuum the living room...again thanks cheyenne!!
  7. clean kitchen counters
  8. call banks and cancel debt cards just in case my wallet got stolen done and i feel better now cause i was worried just in case someone stole it!!
  9. call dmv and see what i need to get a new licence (i had an OK one so this should be fun lol) well i guess i am not getting a new licence till we go back to OK which will be a long time or till i can get a certified copy of my birth certificate so thats just freakin' awesome!! **update i can get an ok one by mailing them some info and they will send me a new one out woo hoo!!!**
  10. bug chad some more about getting me a power of attorney since his truck tags expire on the 1st and i have to register it in fl cause they are OK tags (things we should have done before he left lol) well i emailed him and hopeful he will get it done soon!!
  11. spot clean the couch kk had peanut butter hands earlyer and touched my wonderful couch grrrr
  12. dishes done!!
  13. have kids fed at 6:30 (leftovers) done!!
  14. have Cheyenne clean kitchen table
  15. sweep kitchen floor done!!
  16. clean my bathroom mirror (Cody thought he needed to clean it yesterday and now you can see noting in it grr)
  17. relax and watch my TV shows tonight (greys anatomy and lost if they are new anyways) changed my mind i am ready for bed!!
  18. get in touch with my mom to find out whats going on!! finally did and shes home!!
  19. homework with the kids why oh why do i wait till the last minute but we are done!!

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