Saturday, April 10

25 Dollar Giveaway :)

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Well i have decided to join in on the giveaways that 5 minutes for moms are hosting and i am going to be giving away 25 dollars in paypal money or if you do not have paypal i can give you a 25 dollar Amazon giftcard :)

Ways you can win would be:
  1. To leave a comment on this post telling me what you would do with the money.
  2. Leave a comment on another post then come back here and leave a post letting me know.
  3. Follow my blog via google connect ( top left ) and come back here an let me know.
  4. Follow my diet blog and come back here and let me know, maybe with more follows i will stick to it this time lol! bye-bye fat
  5. Leave a link to your giveaway in a comment for another chance.

Good Luck!! I Will pick a winner on 4/16 by having my 9 year old daughter randomly picking a number out of the entry's or by using


Milburns' said...

I would buy more dye and some V necks! :-)))

Milburns' said...

Oh yea... and come visit my blog for my giveaway for a shirt! :-D


BargainFun said...

I'd put it towards a new camera ! visiting from the UBP !

BargainFun said...

I follow
bargainfun1 at yahoo

Jenn said...

I'd use the cash to invest into my online business..just started a new website on tutu making! Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

Jenni ("Miss Tutu")

Michelle said...

buy diapers..I have none that fit Asa. Tell her to pick my number.

HA! zookers was my captcha word. Get that stupid thing off here anyway.

Michelle said...

i already follow

Michelle said...

I'm going to leave a comment elsewhere...adn tweet this.

Unknown said...

I would use the money in my work for my daughter. I'm starting a non profit for her.

Unknown said...

I followed you.

Connie said...

We have lots of big events coming along in the next few months. A graduation and beginning of college for one child and a wedding for our daughter........every now and then I want to say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. But must of the time I just smile because they are two great kids.

Norberto Kurrle said...

You have such a sweet looking family! If I would win I'd like to give the cash to a relative in great need.

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I would definitely go get a pedicure with the money... I so need one! :)

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I'm leaving a comment on the Ultimate Block Party 2010.

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I'm following your blog!

Aimee @ The MommyTrade said...

I would use the money for a new camera! I'm saving my penny's!

Aimee @ The MommyTrade said...

I'm giving away at $25 gift card to Safeway! Come and check it out!

Lisa Mom of 2 Boys said...

I'm saving up for an iTouch! This would be perfect.

Lisa Mom of 2 Boys said...

$50 GC to Chili's

Lisa Mom of 2 Boys said...

Left comment on your other post for UBP - thank you

Linda Stewart said...

I would add it to the boys summer clothes fund.

Anonymous said...

I would save the money.. I'm trying to save up enough for a solar panel! :) Kinda weird I know. They are about 300!
janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Stopping by from UBP to say hi! Come visit me to!

Anonymous said...

I have several giveaways going on right now.. so I'll like you to my party post which links to the giveaways! hope that counts!

Abbi said...

I would send it to Sudan African Mission to help with the hospital they are building there.

Sena said...

I would buy some books for my niece.

Sena said...

I'm a google friend connect

Kelly said...

Happy Party Day! I would use the money for a new bra LOL! I really need one.

theresamoss said...

I would love to get my 5 month old a exersaucer he is so active now and I know he would love it.

sisters saving said...

I too am hosting a giveaway. I am celebrating 500 visitors to my new site about saving money. I am giving away a $10 Amazon E-giftcard. If you get a chance check us out.

Jamie said...

I would put the money either towards the new camera lens I am wanting or to get the kids some suction plates for their meals!


Jamie said...

I just left a comment on your front post telling you how great your title picture is! I love it.

The Saved Quarter said...

I would stash the $25 away toward my goal of saving 1/4 of our income this year! It's a lofty goal - saving three months' worth of expenses - but I'm plugging along and saving everything extra that comes my way!

Anne said...

I'd buy new sandals for the spring for me with the money.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said...

I'm following your diet blog. I think having a separate diet blog is a great idea. I've been wanting to post about my weight loss efforts, but it seems like it would clutter up my main blog.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! It may not be too exciting...but I'd put it towards my daughter's college tuition. Every penny helps! Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I left a comment on the UBP post!

Chicagolandia said...

I would grab some stuff on ebay for my sister and nephew - they are always looking for more books!

Susie B. Homemaker said...

I left you a comment on your 'To do list for 4/8'. :)

anissa brett,asher, tate and tobin!!! said...

I would use it to pay for an item I win on Ebay..seems we are always needing something small that is cheaper on ebay and then pay with paypal! what a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would use it to buy yarn :) my theory in life is you can never have too much yarn lol.
Your blog is great just popped in from the UBP
