Friday, April 11

4-11-08 to do list

  1. do the dishes!! done!!
  2. clean the counters in the kitchen done!
  3. clean the tops of my dressers
  4. clean the sinks in the bathrooms done!!
  5. clean the floor in the kids bathroom
  6. wipe kitchen table down done!
  7. get rid of the baby girls clothes done thank you Bianka!! ;)
  8. get rid of the sheets and blankets (anyone want them???) i tried freecycle with no luck a few hits but no bites lol done they are getting picked up today oh yeah!!
  9. have chad take me to get a new id and stickers for the van so i can leave the base if i want!
  10. general tidy of the whole house
  11. make my bed done!!

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