Sunday, August 24


well yesterday was a pretty lazy day all we did was sit around the house and clean and cook i made some super yummy no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies Michelle came over and we started talking about fudge and cookies and all kinds of other yummy things so i had to make them they were on my mind for hours lol!!! we did leave once to go to food lion and got wic stuff i really needed to get it, i needed it before the storm but i wanted to wait till it was over just in case the power went out but thankfully it never went out well i guess that's not true cause i woke in the middle of the night the day before yesterday to the power coming back on but i don't think it was out long, we were really blessed to keep power on cause most people around us lost power and had it on and off for 2-3 days!! i am not really sure what we are gonna do today i wanted to go to church but Cody woke up with a nasty cough so i guess we are gonna have to stay home i hope hes better by tomorrow cause i can't bring him to school with that cough i think maybe i had the ac to low last night so if that's the case he should be good by tomorrow but i guess we will just have to wait and see!! well that's all i got right now later guys...


Anonymous said...

hey I want the no bake reciepe for the cookies send me the reecipe always katena

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

Alabama is finally getting the rain from the after affects from the storm/huricane that ya'll have been going through. It has been raining nonstop here since yesturday, but I'm not complaining too much. I LOVE the rain. I would love it if you post the recipe to your no-bake cookies. I have always wanted to know how to make those.

BTW, to answer your question from your comment. I am due on October 23rd, and I am so ready for October to be here. lol It seems like I have been pregnant forever.

Take care

Unknown said...

I'll try to post the no-bake recipe later today ;) and i know what you mean about feeling pregnant forever i feel the same way!!!