Friday, October 3

just chilling..

so its been a few days since i have blogged so i figured i better get on here today and write something cause come next week i am sure i will be super busy and not have anytime to get on the computer!!! so anyways noting new really has been going on to be honest! yesterday i did a ton of running around and got my grocery shopping done and i got an awesome deal on a bassinet that's in perfect condition, and a very nice infant car seat i also went into belly buttons (a kids thrift store) and got a few baby boy sleepers that were just super cute and about 5 pairs of newborn socks and i got kk a cool wooden potty i will have to take a picture of it later cause its pretty neat!! shes not really feeling well right now she has a low grade fever and has been saying her ear hurts so i am thinking she might have her first ear infection ;( i went to walmart earlier today and got her some homeopathic ear drops and some Tylenol and hopefully that will clear it up if not i guess i will have to take her in Monday ;( Cody is doing great now if you were wondering he has a follow up apt on Wednesday but i know that will go great cause he just fine now i am so happy his eye healed up good cause his eyes are just to pretty to have them get damaged ;) other then all that we have been trying to get this messy house a little clean cause chad will be here very soon but it seems every time i get real motivated i have to sit down for a fer minutes because of this or that but that's OK chad will need something to do when he gets home hahaha well i guess that's all i have right now later guys!

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